Thousands of Whites Grovel While Reciting Leftist Mantra

White and Proud is my mantra. Ain’t no way this half breed muthafucka is going to kneel before any leftist, commie, or black. Stay the fuck away from me.

Source: WND

In “cult-like” fashion, thousands of white liberals in Maryland took their activism to the next level on Tuesday and turned a Black Lives Matter protest into a “reeducation camp,” reported the Gateway Pundit blog.

Repeating “anti-racist slogans,” they begged blacks for forgiveness at the Connie Morella Library in Bethesda, Maryland.

“What cult is this?”

Daily Caller Post

“Without racism, anti-blackness or violence. I will use my voice in the most uplifting way possible, and do everything in my power to educate my community. I will love my black neighbors the same as my white ones.”

Crowd Chant

“I kneel before God, and there the list ends.”

Ryan Billabee
Twitter Post

“Mind control programming.”

Twitter Post

Thousands of Whites Grovel While Reciting Leftist Mantra
