National Motorcycle Ride Day

Getchur motor runnin’!

Head out on the highway!

source: National Day Calendar

National Motorcycle Ride Day on the second Saturday in October encourages all motorcyclists in the USA and the world to get out and on their motorcycles for a united day of riding.

The month of October is significant. Not only is it toward the end of the riding season for a lot of motorcyclists in the USA, but it is also the month that John B. Dunlop developed the first practical pneumatic tire in 1887. Without this development in tire technology, motorcycles would not perform as they do or be as enjoyable as they are today. That being said, the day also honors John B. Dunlop and his invention of the first practical pneumatic tire.

Use the day to escape on your motorcycle.  Have some fun, relieve some stress, and really enjoy the thrills. Freedom is what riding a motorcycle offers.

This is a day for riders of all motorcycle disciplines. No matter what type of motorcycle you own or what type of rider you are, enjoy the camaraderie that comes along with owning a motorcycle. If you own a motorcycle, you will understand.

National Motorcycle Ride Day is not only designed to celebrate and promote motorcycle riding but also encourages motorcyclists to support the motorcycle industry. While enjoying some of the last beautiful days of riding, stop by your local motorcycle dealer, too. By supporting your local dealer and other businesses while enjoying your ride, you will help spur growth in your local economy.

Put sumpthin’ exciting between your legs!

National Motorcycle Ride Day!

Calamity Jane