Site icon Jane Jane Jane

Coffee Klatch

Greetings! Thank you for joining me on my brand new website! I’m Jane, some of you know me better as Calamity Jane, and I’ll be your hostess for discussions on news, politics, current events, pop culture, and maybe even some stupid stuff!

JaneJaneJane is a concept of mine aimed at developing a robust community of users of a conservative mindset. I know what websites some of you have come from. My goal is to make your viewing experience a better one!

At JaneJaneJane, or J³ as I’ll call it from time to time, the mission is to address your needs and wants as a reader and also interact with the community.

I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one.

Calamity Jane

I’m sure you are wondering where the name came from. Well, over a year ago, I was exchanging comments with Despicable REM1875. After one of my usual snarky comments, Mr REM replied, “Jane, Jane, Jane! What will we do with you?”……. And so, from that point, JaneJaneJane would be the name of the website I was thinking about launching!…… Thanks, Mr REM!!!

J³ would like your input. What kinds of stories rock your world? What piques your interest? Are you an open topic kinda reader? Feedback will be most appreciated.

If you know me from that “other” website, you already know that I have a unique writing style…… Folksy, down-to-earth, with a vocabulary of a sailor from time to time…… Okay!…..Most of the time!

At present, the plan is to post news, current event stories, and an op/ed once in a while, for your reading pleasure throughout the day along with several open topic threads. This will give you a place to BS when you are all “talked out” over a particular story. These threads will tentatively be called The Coffee Klatch, Lunch Bunch, Happy Hour, and the After Hours Club or Open All Nite. These threads are designed to allow you to drive the topic and conversation.

Lots of ideas are bouncing around in my head, but I would love to hear your ideas. I can’t do this alone. A few folks whose names you may recognize will be assisting with this new site.

If you feel you’d like to contribute in some way, please contact me. We will be publishing commentary, op/ed and other interesting topics from time to time. So, please feel free to contact me with comments, criticisms, or anything for the betterment of the cause.

Let’s do this!

Calamity Jane

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